Thursday, August 13, 2009

Web 2.0 Tips, Part 2: Talk the Talk

What good is talking about Web 2.0 if you don’t know the lingo that goes with it? Here are some simple definitions for the terminology that accompanies Web 2.0 technology.

blog, or, weblog : a web page composed of postings from hosts such as Blogger and WordPress

folksononomy: a spontaneous tagging system used by anyone categorizing web content on sites such as Facebook.

podcast: an audio blog, which can be downloaded to an BlackBerry, ipod, mp3 player, or similar device.

RSS, or, really simple syndication: a format for storing online information to make it available by a broad range of software.

SLATES: The acronym coined by MIT researcher Andrew McAfee as a mnemonic for Web 2.0 techniques, signifying Search (searching by keyword), Links (clicking hyperlinks), Authoring, (creating web content easily), Tags (classifying online content by labeling), Extensions (employing algorithms in making the Web a vast application center), and Signals (using technology like RSS in instantly announcing website changes).

social bookmarking: bookmarking on a website to post favorite websites.

social networking: sites such as Facebook, Linked In and My Space, which connect friends and colleagues by allowing registered users to share interests and skills.

tags: the practice of labeling website content to help users organize and retrieve information.

wiki: a collaboratively edited web page, such as those on Wikipedia.