Saturday, February 22, 2020

In the Big Easy, Thinking of Literature and Music

I'm in New Orleans for five days for my first Mardi Gras as a present for my wife. Down here I can't help but think of Tennessee Williams's play A Streetcar Named Desire and Walker Percy's novel The Moviegoer, two literary works that have influenced my wanting to show up for such a wild and fun event. I've got to get to Faulkner House of Books, situated where Nobel laureate William Faulkner wrote his first novel, Solider's Pay. The jazz here is extensive and excellent: Carousel BarCourt of Two Sisters, Davenport Lounge, d.b.a., Fritzel's, Jazz Playhouse, Preservation Hall, Spotted Cat, Starlight, 21st Amendment, all in the French Quarter, and the Natchez Steamboat River Cruise are in the works during my stay, as well as zydeco in Tropical Isle Bayou Club and Mulate's.  

Next on my reading list is John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces, which from all accounts would have gotten me to the Big Easy sooner if I had read it.