Sunday, March 29, 2015

Points on Parallel Structure, Part 3

Parallel structure appears in sentences, as seen in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, and in lists. Our use of a bulleted or numbered list signals that we are creating a parallel relationship. Here are two examples of nonparallel lists and their improved parallel versions.

Nonparallel: Our company provides four significant advantages:

  • A national network with lower costs.  
  • Comprehensive healthcare services that are second to none.
  • Service excellence.
  • We have a trusted brand. 
Parallel: Our company is a trusted brand because it provides four significant advantages:
  • a national network
  • lower cost
  • comprehensive healthcare coverage
  • excellent customer service 

Nonparallel: Follow these steps when securing the office:
  1. Inform Security that you will be the last person to leave.
  2. Go to the thermostat to lower the heat to 55 degrees.
  3. Check that the alarm is set properly.
  4. Using the keypad, lock the door.
 Parallel: Follow these steps when securing the office: 
  1. Inform Security that you will be the last person to leave.
  2. Set the thermostat to 55 degrees.
  3. Set the alarm.
  4. Lock the door with the keypad.

All of this is to say that good writing takes time, so take it.