- if you do not plan to customize your objective to the prospective employer's concerns
- if you plan to write words and phrases like accomplished, dedicated, driven, hardworking, maven, out-of-the-box thinker, passionate, people person, self-starter, and synergetic.
Notes on effective writing at work, school, and home by Philip Vassallo, Ed.D.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Riffing on Resumes, Part 8: Objective
Monday, March 20, 2023
Riffing on Resumes, Part 7: Identity
Here's another post for the not-as-obvious-as-you-think files. What to include for the applicant's identifying information in a resume has become an issue for people who feel they are entitled to confidentiality. I have heard a quite a few say they need not include their address or phone number.
But they should. Transparency is a big part of job applications. Some fields require full disclosure of investments because of competition considerations. Others demand to know for conflict of interest purposes whether the applicant coaches a little league team (the team may play in the employers' right of way), serves on an association board (the board's policies may be at odd with the employer's goals), or performs summer missionary work (the period may occur during the employer's peak season). For these reasons and to facilitate applicant-employer communication, include everything: your address, land line, mobile number, and, of course, email address.
What about including in the resume social media, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook? If you are using these outlets for business purposes (as I do), include these contact points as well. Many say their social media information is their business only, and many a judge have agreed with this sentiment. Nevertheless, social media is fair game for background checks, so what are you hiding? Include those too if you use them to promote your professional image.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Riffing on Resumes, Part 6: Sending
In tandem with the previous WORDS ON THE LINE post on printing a resume, this brief entry covers transmission considerations.
If you are sending the resume electronically, use a PDF version, not a Word file, to ensure the employer won't accidentally alter it. Use a conventional file name, such as Resume - Vassallo, Philip; Cover Message - Vassallo, Philip; and Recommendation - Vassallo, Philip. Or use files names as instructed by the employer.
If you are mailing the resume, use a neatly typed #10 envelope that matches the resume paper. Tri-fold in even panels. Include with the resume a cover letter and, when appropriate, recommendations. Weigh the sealed envelope to comply with postal regulations. You can use a 9" X 12" envelope to avoid folding your enclosures.
And that's that.
Monday, March 06, 2023
Riffing on Resumes, Part 5: Printing
I know, I know. You're looking at the topic of printing a resume thinking, "This guy is a dinosaur. No one snail-mails a printed resume these days. That is so twentieth century!" So if you really feel that way, stop reading here. But for the very reason that Gutenberg is edging toward extinction, how would those unversed in antiquity respond to a rare instance when a prospective employer requests a posted resume? And wouldn't you want to print two copies for the day of the interview, one for yourself and one for an absentminded interviewer (I've met them) who does not have the presence of mind to have your resume on hand for reference during the interview? Really, it won't hurt to read these three brief tips.
1. Choose a white or light-colored matted 8½" X 11" 20- to 40-pound paper stock. These are universal standards. Stick to them. No need to get too fancy with something like a card stock, but don't be too cheap either by using what amount to tissue paper.
2. Use black ink. I would imagine a deep blue would be all right for those who are obsessed with being different, as long as they remember that conformance has its place too.
3. Print originals, not photocopies. Show some professional pride. You are worth the extra investment of spent ink. The sharpness of your print facilitates scanning.
That didn't hurt, did it?
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