Monday, September 16, 2024

Avoiding a False Equivalence

Let's say you live in Buenos Aires and have landed a job in New York City. You ask an American friend where you should live, in the city or in a small suburban town 30 miles away. She answers, "You'll have to pick the lesser of two evils. You could live in a congested, polluted, loud, unsafe place, or you could deal with long commutes and limited cultural activities." The choice seems like you can put your health and life at risk, or you can endure long train rides on weekdays and suffer from boredom on weekends. Your friend has not quite endorsed living in the suburbs, but she might as well have.

That's the choice Pope Francis laid out when asked about the coming United States presidential election. "You have to choose the lesser evil," he said. "What is the lesser evil, that woman or that man? Both are anti-life—both the one who throws out migrants and the one who kills babies. Both of them are against life." While the pope might claim impartiality about the outcome of the election, he in fact creates a false equivalence. He asks his audience to consider which is preferable: deportation, which he assigns to Donald Trump, or infanticide, which he links to Kamala Harris. Of course, we would rather deport someone than murder a child. 
In effect, he implies—no, asserts—that Donald Trump is the better choice. 

As writers, we need to be aware of this logical fallacy. We must the check the equivalence of offered options. Every genuine option has at least one disadvantage as well as an advantage. We must avoid false dilemmas by fully exploring the depth of nonbinary situations. The pope, even from a perspective of, as he put it, "political morality," failed to do so. 

Monday, September 09, 2024

The Value of Traveling for Workplace Writers

For business, scientific, and technical writers, factual accuracy, precise language, and grammatical correctness matter. But how can employees achieve these objectives if their frames of reference are limited? Will online or local onsite education close the knowledge gap? I doubt it.


One way to expand a writer’s acumen, ability, and ultimately, authority, is traveling. I understand that staycations are growing in popularity because of the prohibitive costs of travel. If you think like that, believe me, you are right. Nevertheless, I consider travel as an investment in my professional development, even when I am vacationing. I’m not talking about cruises or resorts where everything is handed to you. I mean walking through the streets of Barcelona, Berlin, or Brussels at dawn, or strolling along the Croisette in Cannes at dusk, or hiking through the Rocky Mountain National Park. Though usually seen as a leisure activity, travel offers at least invaluable benefits for writers in any work-related field.

1.   New Perspectives on Global Markets. Travelers get immediate exposure to different business cultures, market conditions, and international trends. Understanding how the world works helps writers craft content that connects to a broader audience, insights hard to realize from a distance.

2.   Improved Problem-Solving. When traveling, businesspeople encounter new ways of solving problems, whether it’s how Beijing handles transportation or how a small business in Valletta uses technology. These experiences can inspire innovative approaches in writing, especially when addressing complex technical subjects.

3.   Enhanced Communication Skills. Navigating foreign environments requires loads of adaptability, patience, and communication—skills vital to business and technical writing. The ability to break down complex ideas into understandable concepts is sharpened when communicating across language and cultural barriers.

4.   Cultural Competency. Global industries demand cultural awareness. Traveling provides firsthand experience with diverse business practices. Therefore, a writer with such experiences is likely to write with greater sensitivity to divergent perspectives, regulations, and expectations, a key skill for writing to international audiences.

5.   Heightened Creativity. One of the most profound aspects of travel is meeting new people. These encounters affect our understanding of human nature. Everyone has a unique story to tell from which we can all learn. Conversation with a server in a Copenhagen restaurant, a cab driver in Sydney, a concierge in Hyderabad, or fellow travelers in Havana cultivates new ideas for writers.

6.   Enhanced Confidence. Travel fosters self-reliance and independence. These attributes are indispensable for writers, as they infuse their story lines with an expanded horizon. Writers can eliminate a lot of guesswork because they’ve been there and done that.

Writing in the workplace requires talent, for sure, but even more, it demands insight, creativity, and determination. Travel can strengthen these qualities. You do not have to travel far to prove my point.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Honoring the Writer's Job on Labor Day

Labor Day is here. I celebrate the work of manual laborers all over the world. Without them, we would not have the food, clothing, and shelter we need to stay alive. Their diligence and dedication have built our world. Traditionally, Labor Day honors the contributions of workers across various industries, including construction, education, farming, healthcare, and manufacturing. As the son of a father who was a police officer and butcher and a mother who was a cafeteria worker and school aide, both union members, I am proud of their legacy. I also can think of unsung workers who have supported these professions, quietly working in the background to convince the world of the value of these laborers: writers. Their work may be rooted in creative and intellectual disciplines, but in these times, they too are essential workers.

Writing as Labor

People who do not understand the value of writing often see it as a solitary and underappreciated profession. However, the labor involved in writing demands that writers pour their hearts and minds into their work, whether they're crafting a novel, drafting research papers, or penning articles that inform and inspire. The process requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to engage in deep thinking—qualities that are essential to the art of writing.

On this Labor Day, consider writing as a form of labor that requires immense skill and effort. Writers shape ideas and build narratives that contribute to the cultural and intellectual fabric of their business and society. Books, articles, and reports represent countless hours of research, revision, and thought.

Writing Through Challenges

Like all forms of labor, writing comes with its own set of challenges. Writers often face deadlines, creative blocks, and intense pressure in constantly producing new and engaging content. Many writers juggle their work alongside attending to the demands of other business responsibilities, including traveling offsite, attending meetings, planning and executing projects, communicating within and outside the organization, and researching business issues.

Despite these obstacles, writers continue to persevere. They adapt to changing circumstances, find new sources of inspiration, and push through difficulties to bring their ideas to life. This resilience is laudable, especially on a day dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers.

Writing for Reading

The work of writers extends far beyond the screen or page. Their words have the power to inform public opinion, influence policy, and shape the course of history. From investigative journalism that uncovers the truth to creative works that offer new perspectives, writers play a crucial role in our society. Their labor is foundational to education, culture, and communication, making the world a more informed and connected place. Whatever you are reading, you're benefiting from the labor of a writer.

Honoring the Writer's Job

It's easy to overlook the challenges writers face and the significance of their job. Your labor as a writer is worthy of recognition. Whether you're writing for yourself, for an audience, or as part of your profession, the effort you put into your craft is meaningful. Take a moment on Labor Day to reflect on your achievements and set new goals. Writing is hard work, and just like any other form of labor, it's important to recharge and celebrate your accomplishments.