Friday, November 06, 2020

Improving Your Style Through Diction Part 16: Asyndeton

When dropping a conjunction from a phrase or sentence, we are using asyndeton. This literary device comes close to the way we often express ourselves in common speech.

Notice how the semicolon replaces and in the sentence I'll write the report; you'll present it to the team

Writing in comma splices, a technical error to grammatical purists, seems to be the fashion. Here are examples of how comma splices are the result of using asyndeton: 

  • Dana worked hard on the project, she needs a vacation.
  • He writes reports for the regulator, slide presentations for the department, proposals for the Board. 
  • Please reach me email, Leslie by text.

Asyndeton can create elements of surprise or power when used sparingly. Abraham Lincoln used asyndeton in his Gettysburg Address ("government of the people by the people, for the people") so we should look for opportunities to use it, to captivate our readers (I just used asyndeton).