Friday, August 07, 2009

Web 2.0 Tips, Part 1: Know the Territory

So much hype about Web 2.0, so little understanding! First off, we can argue until the hyperlinks circle to our homepage about what exactly Web 2.0 means. Any two definitions you can read on the Internet seem divergent and vague. (And why are we still capitalizing Internet—is it a sovereign territory, sea, or mountain range?)

Regardless of what we call Web 2.0, articles are appearing and courses are running on the topic, which has more to do with the diversity, interactivity, and pervasiveness (think DIP) of today’s available web tools:
  • Diversity – Users have numerous choices for putting information on the web: community spaces, such as Facebook, Linked In, My Space, Twitter, Wikipedia, and You Tube, as well as individual websites and blogs. The content users may launch also varies, from text and illustrations to photos and videos, or the user may just lay down hyperlinks to that content.
  • Interactivity – All of these sites offer visitors the chance to weave easily through multiple views and to contribute their own comments, images, animation, and hyperlinks.
  • Pervasiveness – Most Web 2.0ers seek a presence on many interlinked sites to expand their message and networking opportunities.

The next six installments of WORDS ON THE LINE will feature some tips to make the most of Web 2.0.